Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Cheat Virtua Fighter 4

Change background on main menu:
To change the background on the main menu, simply choose Options -> Settings -> Game, and press L and R to change the background.

Old Win Pose:
When a created character has reached nikyuu (Level 2), he/she will gain the ”Old Win Pose.1”. To see this, during the match replay, press and hold P + K + G buttons. -Old Win Pose.2 When a created character has reached sandan (Rank 3), he/she will gain the ”Old Win Pose.2”. To see this, during the match replay, press and hold P and K buttons.

Trophy Clear:
all the 26 subjects in Trial Mode under the Training Mode, and a little trophy will appear at the top of your created character’s lifebar.

Training Stage 1 selectable in Vs. Mode:
Have a created character reach shodan (Beginning Rank) and it will be selectable in Vs. Mode.

Unlocking Dural In Kumite Mode:
Defeat the boss character Dural, and she will be selectable in Vs. Mode only. Dural’s stage isn’t selectable, but when you choose to fight as Dural, the stage you fight on will ALWAYS be on her stage.

VF1 character model:
Select a created character that is shodan (Beginning Rank) and above, press and hold P and K buttons until the round starts.

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